The Summary of Changes:
The largest change was the vote to change waste management companies from Countryside Disposal to ALL-Star Waste Management. There have been a number of issues raised from residents about Countryside and so we went out for quotes from other vendors. Although it was close, those in attendance voted to convert to All-Star when the contract with Countryside lapses, Jan 1, 2020. We will have directions about when/how we will be removing/replacing toters/containers later in the year. The cost is very comparable, as is the service, but there are some nuances. We will be creating a summary sheet later this year to let you know how your routine may be changed.
We had a clarification about the allowance of ‘Floating Docks’ on the lakes. We have found certain types of floating docks that do not pierce the clay lining - but are instead anchored farther up in the yard, away from the water line. We have allowed 1 floating dock to be installed in 2018. As per deed restrictions - we ask you to please let us know before you install ANY dock, so that our board members can ensure that they will not affect the lake.
We had a number of residents voice concerns about the stray cat population. We don’t have a great solution for this issue yet, but want to discourage residents from feeding them, as they will stay around where they are being fed. Please, don’t feed the strays.
There are a number of other items that were addressed, but those were a couple of the ‘biggies’ that we went through in detail. Complete agenda below. As always - if you have questions - please don’t hesitate to reach out via the form in the top of this webpage.
Twelve Lakes Homeowner’s Meeting - March 5, 2019
1. Introductions
2. Deed Restrictions- First American Title > Resources > Subdivision Restrictions > Twelve Lakes
HOA Mission: Twelve Lakes HOA officers are responsible for ensuring the integrity of resident properties and common areas to ensure the quality of the neighborhood as designed by the developer is maintained and improved upon.
The HOA Board is responsible for:
Maintenance of common areas and landscape aspects of homeowner’s property –aesthetics of neighborhood
Maintenance of lakes
Managing finances of Twelve Lakes HOA
Architectural control of homeowner’s property & common areas
Enforcement of deed restrictions
Consistent Deed Restriction Concerns:
o Docks- Docks must be cantilevered properly and in good condition. Sect. 2.2 Several docks have posts in the liner of the lakes, which is prohibited. Further investigation will be given to floating docks anchored on-shore. Twelve Lakes HOA officers will get back to residents on outcome of research.
o Mailbox repairs – WHITE PAINT with BLACK numbers. Must be kept freshly painted and free from rot. Sect. 1.12
o Landscaping & Lawn Maintenance – keep neat and tidy. Sect. 1.10
o Cars parked in street – cars must be kept in garage and driveways. Cars are not allowed to be parked on the street for more than 18 hours, without being moved.
o Slow Down – Remind your children and new drivers.
o Maintenance of shoreline – 1 & 2’s rocks on the shore, no sand. Pick up blowing trash. Sect. 2.2. Your shoreline rocks are still on your property. They have rolled into the lake. Simply pick them up and put back on your shore.
o Fences and all structures erected on your property need to be approved by HOA. Sect. 1.11,4.1
o No above-ground pools. Sect. 1.8
o No resident shall in any way compromise the clay liner of the lakes – shore easement. Sect. 2.2
o No fertilization within 30 feet of the lakes. Sect. 2.2
Note: Several points in the deed restrictions are not being followed such as “no swimming”, boats in water. Boats are allowed in the water during the season but must be on shore off–season. Swimming is done at your own risk, there are no life guards on the lakes. Please supervise your young children if they swim in the lakes.
3. Treasurer Report – Balance is $62,749. Estimated revenue, including trash removal is $110,000. Annual spending is approximately $80,000 per year, depending on large expenditures.
Vote reminder from 2018 Annual Meeting: “Emergency fund of $30,000 shall be maintained at all times in the 12 Lakes HOA checking account. If the balance is projected to go below $30,000, 12 Lakes HOA officers will reduce costs and evaluate expenditures to keep the balance at $30,000”. 2018 Motion by G. Sydlowski, seconded by C. Souders. All in favor, motion passed.
4. Lakes Management Report – fountains, irrigation, water quality
5. Landscape Report – irrigation to be turned on May 1st. Once in operation, flowers will be planted when the weather permits and new mulch will be added.
(a) Mulch
(b) Flowers
6. New Business & Neighbor Concerns
o Residents can use other recycling bins – they need to be labeled “recycling” for Countryside.
o Keep something heavy on top of your recycling so items do not blow around the neighborhood.
o Village of Twelve Lakes – one neighbor is using 3 & 4 size rocks to keep the geese away.
7. Election of Volunteer Officers (All officers retained their offices for the 2019-2020 year)
President – John A. Billis
Vice-President – Matt West
Co-Treasurers – Leann & Warren Henry
Secretary – Ian McClellan
Architectural Committee (2) - Alberto Almeda & Arun Mather
Members at Large – Jeff Baier & George Sydlowski
Lake Management Strategies
1. Chemical Management Program
Control some aquatic vegetation. Keep healthy aquatic vegetation in order to benefit pond ecosystem.
Regular inspections to identify and remove harmful vegetation and algae. Treat as necessary.
Note: Residents must use only phosphate-free fertilizers as phosphate creates food for unwanted aquatic plant growth.
2. Biological Control
Bacteria and enzymes are added to aid in decomposing dead matter such as leaf litter, algae cells and aquatic plant matter
3. Mechanical Control
Aeration Systems and Fountains help to maintain a proper oxygen balance which accelerates the decomposition of organic matter.
4. Fish Habitat
Fish habitat plays a vital role in the ecosystem and help keep the water healthy a catch and release system are good for the lake’s environment and health of future fish population.
Have you looked at your mailbox lately? Is it falling down? In need of painting? According to our deed restrictions (ordinance 1.12) “The owner shall maintain the mailbox and replace if necessary”.
Call John Szparka @ 885-4072 for repairs, painting, or replacement.
Dock Repair
Joe Bigelow 419-450-2023
A+ Building Maintenance & Home Repair (419) 478-1542
KLS Construction, L.L.C. (877)-504-0172